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나름 봄 분위기 내려고 색상만 바꿨는데. 안그래도 눈 아픈 스킨이 더 눈이 아픈 것 같다 ... -_-

색상은 뽠똬스틱님의 Fantastic theme에서 뽑아옴... ^^ㅋ 

아무래도 배경이 에러인듯... ㅠ.ㅠ 다시 수정하기 귀찮으니 몇 일간 나둡시다....

그러고보니 오늘 MJ님의 옷 색상이기도 하네 ^o^

'misc' 카테고리의 다른 글

한국의 거의 모든 트위터 유저를 만날 수 있는 곳.  (8) 2009.05.25
나도 펌질 하나.  (3) 2009.05.15
손글씨 공모전 고고싱.  (9) 2009.05.15

지금 스킨 만들라고 깔짝 거리다가 이전 스킨 날려먹었다 -_-

전 스킨이 더 맘에 드는데 ㅠ.ㅠ

아... 사이드바 언제 만들어 .

포스팅 테스트나 해야지...

사진 ..


사진 사이즈 좋고..

The president on Monday signaled a clear shift in tone from the Bush administration on a broad range of scientific issues.

Obama overturned an order signed by President Bush in 2001 that barred the National Institutes of Health from funding research on embryonic stem cells beyond using 60 cell lines that existed at that time.

Bush twice vetoed legislation that would have expanded federally funded embryonic stem cell research. Those siding with Bush say scientific advances allow researchers to conduct groundbreaking research without destroying human embryos.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told The Washington Post he thought Obama's policy reversal on stem-cell research was an "ideological sideshow."

"It is dangerous for the Obama administration to pick a wide series of fights," Gingrich told the newspaper. "Each of these fights simply drains energy away and increases the coalition which decides it has a collective interest in stopping everything."

Obama also signed a memorandum that directs the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy "to develop a strategy for restoring scientific integrity to government decision-making."

Obama's action is part of a broader effort to separate science and politics, White House domestic policy adviser Melody Barnes said Sunday.





'My Life' 카테고리의 다른 글

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